Distracted Driving is more than just texting.
Big Idea: 
Practicing safe driving means considering the effects of distractions before you get in the driver's seat.

A new Spotify playlist function.
When a user connects their phone to the bluetooth in their car and listens to a playlist made with the Playlist Passenger function, the phone will detect when the car is in motion and will automatically lock any options on their phone’s lock screen.
Once the car reaches 0 mph and is at a full stop, the options on the phone’s lock screen will become unlocked.
This reduces any user temptation to look at their phone to change music options while driving.
The user can share any Playlist Passenger playlist with friends and family.
Outdoor Distraction Billboards
Adapting the print to outdoor, billboards show the effects of distracted driving.
Outdoor sidewalk floor tiles
Digital tiles installed on sidewalks. Cameras in the tiles sense when passersby are distracted on their phone while walking and activate its falling illusion. 
A person walking on the sidewalk distracted by their phone.
The person crosses the threshold of the tiles and they activate, appearing to fall through and scaring the distracted person.
Text appears in a set of tiles in front of those that have “fallen”. The text calls attention to the person’s distraction and compares it to driving distracted.
Text will appear on the tiles reading:
“If your phone distracted you from these tiles, it will distract you from the road while driving.”
“Rethink distractions. Practicing safe driving starts outside of the car.”
A hidden camera will film the reactions with intentions of creating a series of viral prank videos.
experiential Movie Theater Interruption
A partnership with AMC theaters in which we will offer a promotion for a day of free movies. Moviegoers will not know that this is a stunt.
If any audience member during the movie screening touches their phone, the movie will be interrupted for the whole audience.
A short video will play explaining the reason for the interruption, and how one person’s distraction can ruin an experience for the whole, whether that be in a movie theater or on the road.
The movie playing normally.
After someone has touched their phone, the movie is interrupted and text appears on screen as it is also read by a voice over.
The video will call attention to the parallels between being distracted in a theater and ruining the experience for yourself and those around you, and being distracted while driving and the consequences that could affect the distracted person.
The interruption video will end on the campaign’s message, “Rethink distractions.”
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